Hardware & Devices

Solution Squad can help you to find right IT Hardware & Equipment all in one place

Do you need new PC hardware for your business? Do you have the right microcomputer solutions for your company? Whatever your IT Hardware & Equipment queries are, Solution Squad has all of the product information and supplier details you require. We have the answers to your IT Hardware & Equipment queries.

Desktop Computers and Laptops

We can help finding the right desktop computers and laptops for your business on a very godo price. We can also find out the technical and device support and warranty for your piece of mind.

Business Modems & Routers

For businesses, communicating with internet service provider can be painful. We will find you the right internet service provider and the modems so that your internet speed helps you to work faster and stay connected.

Home and Commercial Printers

We have associations with printing device experts and we can help you to find the right printing solutions and devices for you so that you won't have to manage the printers, cartridge, papers etc.

Computer Accessories

It is always difficult to find the right accessories to fit your existing hardware devices. We exactly know what works and therefore we can find you the HD Webcams, Headphones, Boardroom Projectors, TVs, Smart Whiteboards, Wireless Presenters, Active Pens etc.

Want to discuss further about it?

Give us a call: 09 302 7771 or email: info@solutionsquad.co.nz